In the last article I've told you how I Fell in Love with the World Progamming now I will share the experience so programmers in a software house and freelancers. OK just yes.
So the programmers in the company software house wow! inikan jobs for this I desire. EMH after resigned from the shipping company as a helpdesk and network administrators who hold the windows server and cisco routers and occasionally replace the dot matrix printer ribbons eventually I became a programmer in enterprise software house.
Not half-hearted when it was given the project the client server ntier once oop classic asp mixed use Visual Basic 6.0 added vbscript (first blon understand javascript) with database sql server 2000, reportnya crystal report 8.5. It was around 2003 to make activeX .ocx and ActiveX etc use visual basic 6 tier data transfer between the layers cool its use XML wew dapet new science.
Oprek coy spirit-oprek sophisticated code. Where many textbook again in his office. Spirit-semagat learn and oprek-oprek code. Project was done. Due to its large project Klo not one time that all distributors stock program at its general ledger (GL) also nyiapinnya dah long face or in the year-that's only from 9:30 am till 5:00 pm Saturday klo home at 3 : 00. Head seemed livid heat of the morning until the afternoon clay project that's it.
Dahlah not allowed in the locked computer usb to copy the source code that we made plus there are surveillance cameras misery was complete. So programmers working in a software company as the house is being chased by the deadline. Dah head livid and hot every day chased deadline anyway. Not infrequently klo already hangs head komputerpun I restart I'll head I come restart minds wakakakak v:
Because it feels bored dikejar2 deadlines continue Ane finally decided to open a business just as he teach and so programmers freelancers make diperusahaanlah solution. Asek so freelance programmer armed with confidence from the work on the project in the company software house was so confident work on projects for the company. Asik dapet project 10,000,000, - (ten million) dah happy that time. Passable ya. Ask DP 60% deal dikerjakanlah his project. After the kingdom there wrote that less is less that could ultimately not until one year more finished-finished. see here I am writing about the Project Programmer's Not Done
Well the value of ten million contract it looks great in the beginning but after his project lived up to one year if more is not done then drop it wrote his cape and stress can.
Not all is as it happened project there is also a smooth and successful until finished and finished. Klo keberulan dapet good customer and his project forward finished the crew happy he too happy ...