Many times ago I wrote an application to automatic post on facebook groups etc with IEWebBrowser component and Visual Basic .Net
Here is the picture:
Yes. I already use it and sell this application to may client. But I think IEWebrowser not smooth enough to run on my notebook and IEWebbrowser cannot run for multi facebook account for one notebook. See the picture below:
Bacause I want to run more than one auto poster at the same time and diferent facebook account for every poster application on my notebook.
The good news is I can change IE webbrowser to gecko webbrowser with xulrunner.
Geckowebbrowser run more smooth and can run for multi program and facebook account at my notebook. So I and my client can run poster more efficient for their money. Buy one poster they can copy my poster software as they want with no limit.
Here is the picture I ran two facebook auto poster with two diffrent facebook account

Finally I prefer for gecko than iewebbrowser to program with visual basic .net
I change all my poster software code to GeckoWebBrowser
Have a nice code guys :) see ya!