Speak about programming certainly can not be separated from the variable.
What variable is?
A variable is something that can change.
I did not talk long about the types of variables here.
Books or on the internet many references about the various types of variables.
For simplicity I will use string and integer variables only.
Dim sName as string
sName = "Jhon Doe"
Dim sName As String = "Jhon Doe"
String Variable
string variable is a variable that is used to store characters of letters or words.
Ex: Dim sName as string = "Jhon Doe"
The sName is a string variable
"Jhon Doe" is the content of the string variable.
Procedures for writing and a good naming variables:
Dim sName as string
- The variables that must either be easy to understand:
Ex: Dim iTheGreatestNumber as Integer
i = denotes integer
a combination of uppercase and lowercase facilitate the reading of variables.
Integer Variable
Integer type variables are variables that can store integer.
Ex: dim iNumber as Integer
iNumber = 5
Dim iNumber as Integer = 5